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The Combined Benefits of Diet and Exercise,Why Dance Lessons are Good for your Heart,Top Tips For Lower Back Pain Relief.


The Combined Benefits of Diet and Exercise:

                                                                                                                              Diet and exercise go hand-in-hand when you’re trying to lose weight. (By ‘diet,’ I don’t mean that you need to starve yourself or follow some fly-by-night fad diet. I simply mean that you should eat smaller portions, and your meals should be balanced, consisting of healthy foods from every food group.) You may try only cutting down on all the high-calorie foods and skip the exercise. You may cut down on your portion sizes. And, the weight will eventually come off. However, if you also include exercise in your weight loss program, you’ll discover that not only will the weight come off, but your metabolism will improve, your fat will be replaced by lean, muscle tissue (rather than loose, jiggly flab), you’ll feel more energetic and mentally alert, and you’ll be better able to keep the fat off. The human body was created to be active. It wasn’t meant to live a sedentary lifestyle. Unless your health prohibits you from getting some sort of exercise each day, you should make an attempt to focus on the amount of physical activity you engage in. After all, most Americans don’t get nearly enough physical exercise during the course of a day! We’re all too busy sitting at our desks or in front of our televisions. By the same token, if you’re like the average American, who thrives on fast food or other high-fat, high-calorie meals, a change in eating habits is advised. You can still enjoy eating! But, if you’re serious about losing those extra pounds and keeping them off, you’re going to have to replace the greasy french fries with some healthy, fresh veggies. Instead of that 44 ounce Coke, drink more water. Try to include more fish in your diet, rather than a big, fat hamburger. You’ll be surprised at how much better you look and feel, when you replace those heart-clogging, fat-producing calories with healthier food choices. And, don’t skip meals! If you regularly skip meals, your metabolism is going to slow down, you’ll feel sluggish, and your body is going to hang onto those extra pounds as protection against starvation. By eating regularly, your metabolism works better, and you’re better able to lose weight! Yes, diet and exercise are important ingredients for successful weight loss! You don’t have to be miserable in the process of losing weight. Just remember the following points, if you want to shed those pounds and keep them off:
  • Don’t starve yourself! Eat regularly to ward off hunger. Focus on eating smaller portions (perhaps several small meals each day would work best for you).
  • Make sure that the calories you consume are nutritious and include foods from each food group.
  • Find an activity or two that you enjoy, so that exercise time isn’t dreaded. If you enjoy what you’re doing, you’ll be more likely to stick with your exercise routine.
  • A few healthy lifestyle changes can make all the difference in your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Note: Before beginning any diet or exercise program, consult your medical professional.

    Why Dance Lessons are Good for your Heart:

    Keeping our hearts healthy is important. Cardiovascular exercises, which increase heart rate, keep our hearts in shape. Regular exercise has also been shown to lower blood pressure, freeing our heart from some of the effort in moving blood through our system. But many people don’t get much enjoyment from disciplined workouts. They know they need regular cardiovascular exercise to stay heart-healthy, but what activities are there to steer clear of tedious typical exercise programs? Many find dancing to be one such activity. Dancing allows you to get your heart pumping and your limbs moving without having to endure the monotony of exercising on a treadmill or at a gym. Dancing regularly keeping not only keeps ones heart healthy, it also helps maintain balance and coordination. Plus, of course, dance lessons and events let you get you out of the house regularly and make and meet friends. Local organizations, universities, community and, sometimes, churches hold dancing lessons and events that are open to people of all abilities and skill levels. If you haven’t danced in awhile, or even if you’ve never tried it before, it’s never too late to learn. Adding another skill to your list never hurts, and dancing is an ability that comes in handy mighty often. Dance lessons are typically offered by style (ballroom, folk, Latin, swing, et cetera) and ability level (beginner, intermediate, advanced, competitive). Most dances that you’re probably familiar with fall into the category of “ballroom dancing.” Ballroom dancing is performed with a partner (don’t worry; there are typically a number of “singles” taking lessons. You’ll be able to pair off when you go to the lesson). Everything from the internationally renowned waltz, to the classic American Foxtrot, to the Latin salsa and cha-cha, fall into the category of ballroom dance. Folk dancing typically refers to square dancing, contra dancing, or one of several Irish, Scottish, or English styles of dance. Folk dances can sometimes be more social than ballroom dances (since partners typically split up and join with others during the course of the dance). Other popular styles of dance include swing, Latin, traditional and many others. Feel free to explore. Books and videos can also be found online, if you just need a refresher, or would rather get the basics in the comfort of your own home. If you’re looking for a great way to be heart-smart, stays fit, and meet new people, try dancing. Dance lessons allow us to try something new, exercise, and take part in a social activity all at the same time. Find a style that interests you, pick the appropriate skill level, find a place, and dance!

    Top Tips For Lower Back Pain Relief:

                                                                                                                               Lower back pain is a common infliction that affects over 80% of the adult population at one time or another in their lifetime. There are also many causes, and it can be difficult to directly determine the source of the problem without medical intervention, ie. a visit to the doctor or chiropractor.Some of the more usual causes are likely to be undertaking physical activity in which the body is not used to, such as strenuous gardening or lifting of overly heavy objects.This over-exertion can result in a slipped disk (or a herniated disk). This is a result of twisting, generally while lifting. A slipped disk sounds worse than it probably is. It is merely the occurrence of your spinal bone bulging slightly, and touching on some nerves. Some basic exercises can help to relieve the pain and rectify the slipped disk issue.Tip 1: Lie on Your Back.Now this may sound simple (and it is!) but it is also highly effective. Lie flat on the floor, with some pillows placed under your head and knees for support. This takes the strain away from your lower back. An alternative is to place a pillow on a chair seat, and rest your feet on the chair, with your back on the floor.It is recommended to stay in this position for around 5-25 minutes each session.This is a great way of resting the back and relieving the pressure off your lower back. You should perform this exercise for no more than 1 to 2 days in a row, getting up and walking around every hour.Tip 2: Use Heating Pads and/or Ice PacksHeated pads will help to relieve muscle spasm. Use these for 20-30 mins at a time. Ice packs are also a suitable alternative.Tip 3: Medicines to Reduce SwellingSome medications that assist in reducing swelling are Aspirin and Entrophen. Panadol is also helpful in controlling minor pain while you rest your lower back and recuperate.Tip 4: Massage for Muscle ReliefMassaging the lower back can help to reduce any inflammation and swelling. And as the muscles relax, circulation is increased and pain often lessens.If these tips are combined, together with much needed bed rest, your back pain should be gone and your back should be returned to its old self.At this point you may consider practicing some back strengthening exercises, to prevent any future re-occurrence of lower back pain. We will discuss some prevention tips in future articles.Important note: If the lower back pain is persistent for 2-3 weeks, you should consult your family doctor. There is no substitute for professional medical advice.

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